Art of Green Home Products.

Bua Bhat’s Story
Bua Bhat Factory was founded in 1987 with the intention to produce unique design products other than those already in the market.
Our principles are as follow.
1 Made with trustworthy quality
2 Inspired by nature
3 Created with family and local wisdom
4 Produce with eco-friendly materials
From the first year up to 37th year, Bua Bhat Factory has devoted to the 4 principles in producing all products.
Prime Minister's Export Awards 2008, 2012
After received the Prime Minister's Export Award in year 2008, Bua Bhat again won the Prime Minister's Export Award 2012 in the same category "Excellence of Design, or DEmark". Miss Wilai Pichitkanjanakul, Managing Director of Bua Bhat Factory Ltd.,Part. received the award from Miss Ying Luck Shinawatra, the Prime Minister of Thailand, on Monday the 27th of August in the Queen Sirikit Convention Center in Bangkok.
Prime Minister's Industry Award 2018
Miss Wilai Pichitkanjanakul, Managing Director of Bua Bhat Factory Ltd.,Part. received the award from Mr.Prayut Chanocha, the Prime Minister of Thailand, on Thursday the 20th of December in the Royal Thai Goverment in Bangkok.
Good Design Award (G-Mark), Japan 2008, 2010, 2012
Bua Bhat was selected to receive the Good Design Award (G-Mark) by JIDPO (Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization), Japan in year 2008, 2010 and latest 2012
GREEN Production Award 2017 , 2021
Bua Bhat was received the Green Production Award by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand in year 2017 and year 2021